Saturday, November 25, 2023

Spammers and scammers from Argentinia

Argentina is a country in South America, bordering Chile, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Her name is probably derived from the Latin word for silver - argentum. The country has an area of roughly 2,8 Million square kilometers and is the second largest nation of the South American continent after her neighbor Brazil. With 45 Million citizens it's the third largest country after Brazil and Columbia. Its capital is Buenos Aires, where about 16 Million people, about one third of Argentina's total population live.

Argentina is after Brazil the second largest Latin American economy. In the past, mismanagement and corruption in the presidencies lead by Néstor and later his wife Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the country lost grip of its own economy with debts piling up and credits from foreign investors been withdrawn. Thus criminal activities and fraud were on the rise.

That was also the time when the internet became available for the population, and criminals found it as another way to scam people off their hard earned money. But since scam is a global problem, spam from Argentina also spread over world and let Argentina often appear in the Top 5 lists of the total number of spam emails sent for many years. While with the following government the economy somewhat recovered, spam from Argentina did not. Although some spammers starting in the 200X appear to have vanished, other spamming individuals still going strong. Others invested in server infrastructure to be independent from the telecommunication-industry. The 201X even saw some mergers of these spammers, solidifying their business. Some even offer webinars and seminars. They also happily serve the mentioned individual scammers, providing "bullet-proof emailing". All the government did to "fight" domestic spam was put a "law" in effect in 2000, saying that if a mail contains an unsubscribe link it cannot be spam. Yeah, right!

What's interesting that I am getting a lot of spam from Argentina (not being from Argentina), and that even political parties are spamming. So in the 2012 election the then elected President Mauricio Marci also had spam sent for his campaign. And an owner of a car dealer ship, Guillermo Dietrich, was sending spam mails, and became a minister in the cabinet from 2015 to 2019. While I never got spam from in US elections by Clinton, Bush, Trump or Biden.

But most amazing is that while "professional" pill spammers are hard to come by, spammer from Argentina willingly provide their details on their own web pages, Facebook or LinkedIn. Real names, real addresses, real phone numbers, photos and whatnot. Thus I thought it is interesting to create profiles in this blog for them. Sub pages here contain profiles if the most notorious spammers Argentina can offer. I retrieved the information from publicly accessible sources (LinkedIn, their own pages for example, see above), and gathered the found information in one place for the reader's convenience.

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